Monday, October 17, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Truth about Robert Fitzgerald and New Generation Martial Arts in Ormond Beach
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My ex wife Marcelene DuBois is unfortunately one of those people with all of those problems. She has been diagnosed with multiple disorders from psychosis to Sever Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Most recently through my own journey I have spoken to a few doctors, some close friends, who say it is more of a case of borderline Bipolar disorder. I thought,"That doesn't sound so bad."Then I learned what that really was.
It is believed that people with bipolar disease have a chemical disorder that causes them to have drastic mood swings from great highs that last for long periods of time and then lows that can last equally as long. This is sad but very treatable and these people can lead normal lives and maintain normal relationships. Those with borderline disorders are not as easily treated. I have been told it is because it is more of a character trait.
Here is what Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD has to say about Borderline Personality Disorder on
" Bipolar disorder is associated with mood shifts from depression to mania (a mood characterized by elation, decreased need for sleep, and an increase in activity) or hypomania (which is similar to mania but less severe). BPD is also associated with mood changes (sometimes called "emotion dysregulation" or affective instability). People with BPD can frequently change from feeling fine to feeling extremely distressed in a matter of minutes. Impulsive behavior is also frequently experienced both by people with bipolar disorder and by people with BPD.
How are Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder Different?
What is the difference between BPD and bipolar disorder, then? Some major components separate the two. While the disorders are both characterized by mood changes, the quality of the mood changes can be very different. In BPD, mood changes are often more short-lived -- they may last for a few hours at a time. In contrast, mood changes in bipolar disorder tend to last for days or even weeks. Also, mood shifts in BPD are usually in reaction to an environmental stressor (such as an argument with a loved one), whereas mood shifts in bipolar disorder may occur out-of-the-blue. Finally, the mood shifts typical of BPD rarely involve elation -- usually the shift is from feeling upset to feeling "OK," not from feeling bad to feeling a high or elevated mood, which is more typical of bipolar disorder. "Here is the entire article.
This was how we lived for 12 years. We were apart for 2 out of the twelve years we were together. In the times we were apart I would get phone calls with threats of suicide, death threats, accusations I was being unfaithful, you name it. In the time we were together Marcie was locked up twice on the Baker's Act, a fact my ex-wife Marcie denies. It is a fact though. I remember distinctly January second of 2002 I found my ex-wife cutting herself with a steak knife in a catatonic state in our bedroom. I called 911 and she was taken to Charter Oak Hospital in Covina California. I got a call an hour latter asking me to pick her up. I showed up to find out she had "escaped". I talked her into returning. Had she not she would have lost custody of her daughter Rebecca for sure.
As with Bipolar Disease, people with Borderline Personality Disorder can be violent and abusive. My ex-wife was both for sure. The psychological abuse was terrible. In the end she began to threaten to sleep with other men and had begun to do so. She broke my things and trashed our home taking great pride in breaking doors and blaming it on me that she was forced to do such things when I was just trying to get some sleep so I could get up for work. She kicked and punched me when she would get angry and in the morning tell me that it was the opposite. I never hit my wife. The abuse both physical and psychological were off the hook. Here is a report from when she was arrested for assaulting me here in Ormond Beach.

I have to admit I wish when she came in I had just hugged her and told her I loved her. She had been gone for hours and I knew her pattern and I began to panic. I did not know if she was dead, in the hospital,or what. I also did not want her coming back to the house because it was time for another call to the police. When she got back I did yell and I do regret that. I had spent hours worrying about her. Keep in mind, at that time I was still %100 committed to my wife and family. We had gone through hell trying to keep things together. I believed in "Through sickness and through health" back then. Yes I should never have let her move in with me in Florida and should have left her out in California, but I did not feel that way at the time. She blew it and will be stuck with losers for the rest of her life, but at that time I was still in love with her. That night I had finally gotten to the point where I forgave her for hitting on our friend next door.
So what happened?
She threatened to call the police and have me arrested. She had bruises from when she had been mugged a month earlier and said that she would say they were new. She said she would make me homeless. She said that with as many times as she had called the police who do I think they would believe. She told me how she had set me up with those reports and by selling my truck to ensure I could not get out. My loving wife had been setting me up for months. What a sick person to betray the trust of a person they had made an oath to God with. I have been told she cried over it. I have been told she regretted it. None of that matters since she continues to try to harm me, my family and my business. If she regretted it she would not continue to post lies about me on the Internet. If she regretted it she would not have her scumbag old fart boyfriend, who has a felony for assault on the elderly, post lies on the Internet. I pity Marcie, she does have disorders, but there is no excuse for the fat piece of crap she's with.
This human waste of life is Jerry Williamson. Jerry has been sued for fraud and lies about his credentials. He's a dishwasher at some bar and is on probation for the felonious assault of someone over 65 by strangulation. I only fight in the ring if it can at all be avoided. When I fought in the ring I fought real men. This Jerry Williamson is no man by any means of the word. I was lied about by my ex-wife Marcelene DuBois and ended up with a simple battery charge that comes down to I touched my ex-wife and she did not want me to touch her. You don't accept a felony plea unless you know you did the crime. Jerry is guilty. I guess it's karma for Marcie to be with a person who has actually done what she has accused me of.
So what was I guilty of with Marcie and my step daughter?
I provided a safe environment from a man they both claimed was abusive. Who knows if that was ever true?
I helped Marcie get full custody of her daughter.
I helped Marcie get child support and found the evidence to catch her deadbeat ex.
I helped Marcie get on SSDI for her psychological disorder. She continues to lie and claim disability. She says she can't even drive, but has no problem getting to the bars in the afternoons from what I heard and nearly ran me down once. I have a witness.
I helped get Marcie and Rebecca out of LA and into a home where we were a block from the beach. We were meant to be paying rent, but I recently found out the money I gave Marcie for the rent never got used for that.
I took Rebecca and Marcie to Disney World as much as I could.
I got insurance for Rebecca and paid for her braces.
When Marcie lied to get an operation on her neck to sue Wal Mart and scare the hell out of Rebecca and ,I I took all my sick leave and vacation time to take care of her and the house so she didn't have to do a thing

I helped her scum bag brother out when he tried to kill his wife and did my best to keep him from doing the time he should have done.
I cooked for Marcie and Rebecca nearly every night after work. Marcie did not work for over ten years, but I did it out of love.
So these are the facts. How am I repaid now?
Internet stalking, harassment, slander, liable and attempts at assault. I guess it's a different story for Jerry to face a man instead of an elderly person.
I have moved on with my life or at least am trying to. Marcie will not let go. She had to know I would not get back with her after she did what she had done. Now she is stuck with this loser, that is not my fault. I have a new business and new women in my life. I have many great opportunities and I love Florida. I was told she hates Florida and wants to leave. Nothing is stopping her, I am %100 out of her life and I was her only tie hear, accept the healthy kids plan she is on fraudulently.
I hope this clears the air for those who have seen the lies on Rip Off Report and their affiliates. New Generation Martial Arts has a great Reputation. My only blemish is my marriage to Marcelene B DuBois. I did not abuse my ex wife and I have proof of that, I wish I had it w few years ago, but I have it now. I am endorsed by my instructor and can prove that. I have great students and love the Martial Arts.
Thanks so much for your time.
Robert Michael Fitzgerald
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